Sunday, 13 March 2016

It's The Small Things That Matter

Sadly, the weekend and another visit from Jess has come to an end, but yet again it's been another memorable couple of days! There's been no football for us to go and watch - next week is the big one, Derby v Forest - but we've been cheering England on against Wales in the 6 Nations rugby, in-between heaps of fun. After all, Jessie does need her dose of sport every weekend. It's been the little things we got up to this weekend though which will be remembered most. Who'd ever have imagined that a tiny water bottle spray would become the most used item these last couple of days as Jess thoroughly enjoyed spraying me at every given chance while she's been hiding and waiting for me around almost every corner of the house! Oupa would love this naughty and mischievous streak in her! I wonder where she gets it from!!

Star Monsters - They require a lot of training!!!!
A couple of weekends ago, Jess loved the Open Day at Uni and this time I took her to the Uni library where she enjoyed the responsibility of electronically returning my books. Casualty has been one of her favourite tv series' for as long as I can remember and it always has a regular slot in our Saturday evening chill down time in front of the telly and the last couple of months we've added the Voice and the Lottery show to it as well - unfortunately retirement isn't on the cards just yet!  The rest of the weekend included a game of chess, which of course I came second in, regular training of Jessie's Star Monsters, getting them to fall on their feet when we chuck them in the air, Dangerous Mouse trumps she made and printed herself (squeezed a win in there at least) and marbles, which of course Jess beat me at as well. Not to mention a bit of Karaoke and Sing Star! The less said about my dancing the better!!

This morning was a beautiful day though so we took a walk to the park where we fed some ducks and took a rowing boat out on the lake. It was an amazing experience and Jessie had such a great time (me too of course), she managed to perfect her technique and did most of the rowing herself, which couldn't have been easy considering her weight against mine and the boat, but she did a brilliant job. I wish we took pictures as it was a beautiful day out on the lake. We treated ourselves to an ice cream on the way back - I think she deserved it! I already miss her but most grateful for another amazing weekend yet again. Can't wait to see her again......

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